Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our baby boy :)

Kujo's Pool Day!

Kujo loved his pool day! These are just a few photos from it. He went off the diving board, down the slide with his dad, and enjoyed swimming the day away! Kita isn't a fan of water so she decided to sit this one out ;)
Toby's Happy Tail! :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Life has been rather crazy lately. I feel as if the man above is testing me to see how strong I am, but I will not go down without a fight! For starters Jordan is leaving really soon. I am going to miss him but the truth is the quicker he goes the quicker he comes back and the quicker he comes back the quicker our family will be complete. Time sure does fly by rather fast and I know my baby boy, yes it's a BOY, and my husband will be here! I have been packing like a mad woman & PODS is bringing my storage POD soon. When everything is in the POD that will be some weight off my shoulders. I can't wait to get my new house! Then Kujo, our dog, has started having what we believe is head tremors..So far he seems like it doesn't bother him when he gets a tick. They say head tremors are not painful so that's a plus but it still is sad to see him like that. Each one has only lasted for about 5 mins so far. There is no way to really diagnose it and they do not know what causes it. :(

Okay back to the positive side, we are having a boy! Just what we wanted :) We are so excited. We decided his name is going to be Joel. Not like Jo-el but kinda sounding like Juel or Jewel. We are still unsure on middle names, Jordan seems to change his mind everyday but we have it narrowed down to a few. & I have a few nursery ideas. Pictures to come very soon! I will be uploading some ultrasound pics this weekend too (if I get around to it).

Our last foster, Toby, did get adopted a couple weeks ago at his meet & greet. I will try to upload that picture this weekend as well. Stay tuned!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

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I would've died that day if not for you.
I would've given up on life if not for your kind eyes.
I would've used my teeth in fear if not for your gentle hands.
I would have left this life believing that all humans don't care
Believing there is no such thing as fur that isn't matted
skin that isn't flea bitten
good food and enough of it
beds to sleep on
someone to love me
to show me I deserve love just because I exist.
Your kind eyes, your loving smile, your gentle hands
Your big heart saved me... You saved me from the terror of the pound,
Soothing away the memories of my old life.
You have taught me what it means to be loved.
I have seen you do the same for other dogs like me. <3
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Monday, June 11, 2012

I realized I forgot to put up Goldie & Scarlett's Happy Tails photos, here they are!
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This past week I have decided to wait a little bit longer to start my externship so I can get in at a vet clinic that is a bit closer. I also decided in the mean time I want to have a job. I applied at a few places and may have a new job! :D I decided to get a job because I would love to have money to help pay for things that Jordan pays for. I do enjoy staying home and cleaning everyday but after awhile it gets well..boring. I need something to do during the day! I also would like the extra money & I'm sure Jordan will too!

The past week I been watching Denise's little basset puppy while she is at work! He is such a little cutie & my dogs love him!
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& here is the two terrors!
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On Friday, we had Denise & Wes over for dinner & to hang and play DDR, then we went over to my neighbor's house, Sarah, and met some new people! It was a lot of fun! Saturday, We ended up grilling out some hamburgers, my husband's becoming a grill chef indeed! & On Sunday, we went to the grocery store and then relaxed around the house & did some laundry. It was a pretty good weekend but yet also upsetting due to Jordan's grandma being in the hospital. They believe she has too much fluid in her head from her brain swelling. Please say a prayer for her <3
I can not wait for Amber to get back! I miss hanging with her during the week!! Denise works all days of the week so I don't get to hang with her til the weekend! I need girl time during the week though too!
Here's something to share. In the Arms of Angels (the group I work with) success rate in adoptions for the month of May: 55 dogs pulled from PACC (Pima Animal Care Center), 6 stray, & 5 owner surrenders & we had 62 adoptions FINALIZED, isn't that awesome?! I love this rescue!
Also, here is a picture of my Kato at his new home! He looks so happy!
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PS have I mentioned how much I love my husband?! He is seriously the best! So lucky I have him <3 He can always make me smile.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's been a busy week! I have been practicing my driving so I can drive to my externship, getting the house prepared for our house guest, studying like a mad woman, & of course everything else that's a daily chore.
By house guest, I am talking about Reggie, Amber's dog. He will be staying with us for a month & I know the kids can not wait for him to get here, they love Reggie! He comes tonight :)
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Anyways, Jordan & I had a great memorial day. We grilled out cheeseburgers for lunch and had chips. For dinner we grilled out steaks & I made homestyle mac&cheese. The food was so yummy! The pups played in their baby pool and Jordan bought Kujo this sprinkler type thing that he loves to play in. We watched some movies and relaxed, it was a beautiful day. I am gonna be so sad when he leaves but I'll have my things to keep me busy and my awesome friends and pups to support me :)
I'm not too sure what we are doing this weekend but I'll be sure to post some pictures :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

So over the weekend Jordan & I went to Reid Park Zoo. It was pretty fun! I really liked the monkeys & couldn't help but laugh at the over sized obese squirrels. I watch a squirrel take food from an innocent turtle..poor guy couldn't do much. Here are a couple pictures I took.
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Then we went to Joe's Crab Shack. It was yummy! Here is a picture I took of Jordan haha.
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What a cutie ;)

Also I'll introduce my new foster, Scarlett.
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She is a purebred Bull Terrier, I love her to death!! I was going to adopt her but she doesn't really like my dogs.. & with me starting my externship I just won't have time to take her to training :( But in the meantime, I will give her lots of love until she finds her forever home <3
So I have been walking a lot lately. I walk Scarlett during the day, and I walk Kujo & Kita at night with either Amber or Jordan. I feel myself slowly getting back into shape :)
I finished my last exam with a score of 100%. I start my externship in the next couple weeks, I'm super excited!!!
This weekend is Jordan & I's one year anniversary! A year already! We plan on getting away ;) Sounds like fun to me!

Monday, April 30, 2012

On a roll!

Well, here is the picture of Onyx that I promised.
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Oh & here is the picture of his new dad! His dad is also in the Air Force & Onyx will have a Husky sibling! I only had Onyx for a week <3
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Then I got my next foster, Brownie. Brownie was a dutch shepherd/akita mix and a stray from California. Some stray she was, she was potty trained, knew sit, shake, down, and roll over and kennel trained. She is an amazing girl! I took her to the Pet EXPO that was this weekend in Phoenix, and well ya know..
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..a family adopted her. Who could blame them though!? She is so sweet! So she got adopted in under a week, I'm on a roll :)
Speaking of the Pet Expo, Amber & I rode there with Shinji. We had four dogs in the car and guess what?! Everyone single dog in our car was adopted :) Amber's girl, Diamond was adopted to a great family with two children! Shinji's foster Jarrod the cross eyed poodle was adopted to an awesome older lady & his other foster, Hercules was adopted to the lady who fostered his litter. Our rescue had 19 adoptions this weekend, it was amazing!
It was so fun to see all the people at the Pet Expo who all shared something in common, the love of animals. So many different breeds of dogs, it was amazing to see it all. I met some many amazing people & said goodbye to many friends. I even met someone who shares the same love for pits as our rescue, OH YEAH SHORTY ROSSI ;)
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THE PIT BOSS! He was just as bossy as on TV, but a nice dude! & Of course he had Hercules with him.
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Amber & I walked around and looked at all the things set up, it was nice to see all the rescues. We set up with Pit N Proud.
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Anyways, we had a good time there. & I may as well introduce you to my newest foster, a Lab mix named Goldie. Hopefully I can get her adopted in a week as well.
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Okay as for schooling, I finished my LAST exam today. Now I start my externship, yay!
Jordan & I have been watching Breaking Bad & we only have 3 episodes left to watch, the suspense is KILLING me! :) Jordan also made honor roll for his CDC tests! Smarty pants :P He is starting to MMA fight tonight, ehh...he better be careful. I have been trying new cooking recipes which are turning out very yummy! Well, that is mostly what I been up to..most of my life revolves around my family & dogs! I gotta get back to cleaning this house.